
Europe needs to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas etc) and increase its share of renewable energy (i.e. wind, solar, hydro). Existing buildings must also be as energy efficient as possible. A key part of this legal framework/ legislation is the "Energy Performance of Buildings Directive" (Directive 2002/91/EC, EPBD), first published in 2002 (updated in 2010), which requires all EU countries to enhance building regulations and to introduce energy performance certification schemes for buildings (EPCs). Buildings account for 40% of Europe's energy use and are responsible for a third of its greenhouse gas emissions. If we want to transform our society into a truly energy efficient and de-carbonised one, "green" buildings will have to play a vital role.

This project will be a platform for European partners from Germany, Portugal, Slovakia, Turkey and the UK, to collaborate and research Best Practice approaches on common themes relevant to the energy assessment of buildings (especially domestic) and the respective vocational training available for Domestic Energy Assessors. The objectives of the project include:
  • Specifications of the desired Learning Outcomes of Qualified Experts (within the European Qualification Framework and ECVET)
  • Specifications of data to be required from training providers
  • Tools for collecting data on site and tools for producing practical advice
  • Continuous professional development for DEAs
  • Approaches to codes of conduct governing service competence, diligence and ethical behaviour of experts and inspectors..

To reach that target, the project aims to enable partners to:
  • Take a snapshot of current energy assessment and training for energy assessors (DEAs)
  • Make case studies of energy assessor profiles (and Case Studies of recently assessed buildings)
  • Compare and contrast energy assessment in partner countries

There will be on-going local activities focusing on research, face-to-face meetings with established professionals in the sector, as well as observing training and advice sessions on energy assessment. We will use the Mobilities to meet/speak about and experience domestic energy assessment in the relevant national context. We will share our learning through an online Blog, a Report and during the 2015 EGE Energy Symposium (conference) in Izmir, Turkey.

First Transnational Meeting

We received our partners on Thursday morning at our newly refurbished meeting space in Brixton. It has been very exciting to reunite with partners we have worked with before, and also to welcome new partners from Germany and Slovakia. It was a shame however that our Portuguese partner was not able to make it. The meeting on Thursday started on time with everyone able to find our office in a very busy business centre (the Shakespeare Business Centre).

After formal introductions, we presented our companies and our respective national, international activities and how the DEA Europe Project is pertinent to our work. Next came the presentations on domestic energy assessment in the various countries. Already we could see some clear differences in countries where energy assessment has played a role since the 1970s – 1990s (Germany/ Austria), whereas other partners reported that energy assessment has only been relevant for the last few years, at least officially. We also spoke about the vocational training aspects of becoming a DEA in each of the countries and again, our initial assumptions on the very different provisions were confirmed.

In Austria for example, the training to become a DEA takes 180 one hour lessons and they break them up into basic and advanced lessons, with basic training being comprised of a 3-day seminar and 29 hours of e-learning and the advance training being 12 days of seminars and an additional 36 hours of e-learning. In the UK, you can become a domestic energy assessor after completing a 3-day training course and passing an examination. Or you can simply sit the examination without even attending the course. Not a subtle difference by any means…

In the afternoon we discussed the common (European) driving forces behind domestic energy assessment (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, EPBD, 2002/91/EC Directive) to help better understand where we’ve come from and why we think partner countries have taken decision to implement it in the way they did. On the second day we went through the specifics of the project, set partner tasks, agreed on all important parts of the project (dissemination, evaluation, general activities, next partner meeting etc) and clarified work at hand for the coming months including setting the date for the next partnership meeting. Overall, a very good start to a very interesting project.
Funky Renewables, UK

Once arrived in busy London, Christoph Holzner and Johannes Kohlmaier were happy to represent the Cleaner Production Center Austria at the first DEA Europe Meeting. Funky Renewables welcomed us at theShakespeare Business Center in Brixton and after getting in touch with the project partners the meeting started. First, we discussed our agenda of the next two days and afterwards partners shortly gave some insights about theirorganisations. It was interesting how diverse the partnership actually is, nevertheless there are also a lot of contact points between the partners organisations.

An important aspect of the partner meeting was the very different context of domestic energy assessment and the structures behind in the partner countries. But not only the organisational structures are diverse, also the training of DEAs itself. One of the relevant aspects for these varietiesare different historical contexts and reasons why DEA was or will beimplemented in the partners countries. These aspectsare one of the issues of the DEA project and we are curious about further insights on thesedifferences and similarities.

 Beside the project work we also had a deliciousColumbian lunch at the Brixton market, a very lively place that is definitely worth visiting.At the end of these two days we got a lot of work done and every partner contributed to a good DEA Europe kick off.CPC Austria wants to thank Funky Renewables for the successful project kick off and hospitality, we are looking forward to the upcoming project steps!
CPC, Austria

Nachdem wir uns in den vergangenen Wochen intensiv über die Energieeffizienz im deutschen Wohngebäuden sowie über den Markt für Energieberatungsleistungen in Thüringen informiert hatten, starteten wir am Mittwoch den 11. Dezember gegen 13.00 Uhr mit dem Auto von Zella-Mehlis nach Nürnberg. Den Flughafen Nürnberg erreichten wir gegen 15.00 Uhr. Der Flug in der voll besetzten Rayn-Air-Maschine verlief ohne Probleme und dauerte ca. 1,5 Stunden. Dank einer Stunde Zeitverschiebung erreichten wir nach Start um 16.55 Uhr London ca. 17.30 Uhr.

 Nach anfänglichen Problemen, den richtigen Bus zu finden, erreichten wir unser Hotel in London-Camberwell gegen 21.30 Uhr. Unsere Gespräche mit den Partnern aus Österreich, der Slowakei, der Türkei, Großbritannien begannen am darauffolgenden Tag gegen 9.30 Uhr. Der Ort des Meetings war nach einem ca. 30 minütigen Fußmarsch vom Hotel erreicht. In den zwei folgenden Tagen erfuhren wir interessante Einzelheiten über die Umsetzung der EU-Vorgaben zur Energieeffizienz im Wohngebäudebereich in den Partnerländern sowie über die unterschiedlichen Ausbildungswege zum Energieausausweisersteller.
Bildung-Centre Suedthueringen, Germany

Second Transnational Meeting

For Team GB the DEA project started with a visit to Vienna before heading over to Graz, via the amazing Austrian train network. It was great to see how the cities differ in terms of population, architecture and most importantly the people. We found Graz to be very friendly, and our host partner well prepared – as always. The 2nd project meeting took place in Graz, Austria on 20th – 21st May 2014. In total, 19 participants from Austria, Germany, Slovakia, England and Turkey came together to break the ice, as many of the project partners hadn’t met each other before.

This provided a good opportunity to understand each other’s involvement in the grand scale of things when it comes to energy efficiency, sustainability and issues of Climate Change. The focus of the project was the Domestic Energy Assessment market where people are trained to assess domestic properties, the energy efficiency standards they currently meet, with a view towards using this information to secure funding for energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, or simply for the purpose of selling / renting the property.

On the second day, a workshop with a local DEA, Mr. Johannes Breitling took place. The workshop was combined with an excursion to the “Haus der Baubiologie” (House of Building Biology) where Mr.Breitling provided a lot of interesting information about thermal insulation, environmental friendly and energy efficient construction materials. An exhibition about these materials and further very informative discussions rounded up the interesting and fruitful project meeting. We have uploaded the video of Mr Breitling on our Blog, as well as some pictures from the tour. All in all, an insightful and valuable project which will surely bode us and our European partners very well for the future.
Funky Renewables, UK

The 2nd project meeting took place in Graz, Austria on 20. and 21. May 2014. 19 participants from Austria, Germany, Slovakia, England and Turkey took the opportunity to discuss different issues on:

  • the national trainings for Domestic Energy Assessors 
  • the work of the DEA to calculate and to issue the EPC 
  • the framework conditions for DEA and 
  • the need and content of EPC in the participating countries. 

At the second day of the meeting a workshop with a local DEA, Mr. Johannes Breitling, took place and gave us an excellent overview of the tasks and challenges of an Austrian DEA. The workshop was combined with an excursion to the “Haus der Baubiologie” where a lot of interesting information about thermal insulation, environmental friendly and energy efficient construction materials was given by Mr. Breitling. An exhibition about these materials and further very informative discussions rounded up the interesting and fruitful project meeting.
Cleaner Production Center, Austria

Since Graz is relatively close, we decide to come by car and it was a good choice. Already on the way we enjoyed the views on mountains and nature. We came late to the hotel in center but we noticed difference in prices of gasoline and diesel - they were cheaper by 20 cents than in Slovakia! In the morninig we went straight to the meeting at Bit-training center.

Their premises are very professional and nicely equiped for trainings. Since there were so many people at the meeting, they had make the room "bigger" (by removing the temporary wall). I was quite surprised that that many people were attending our project meeting - but that was good, we could share a lot more from more view points. We shared our results from the first stage of the project. I presented about DEA from Slovakia, we were quite succesfull with the interviews and prepared nice summary. I was surprised to learn there are so many differences among countries in their approach to the matter of Energy Certificates. In UK little requirements, shorter training, many tools and off you go - basically anyone - to measure and record building's data. IN Germany and Slovakia on the other hand, yuo need to study for 6 years to become Construction Engineer, then you have to pass extra training and go for exams full of normatives and standards, so very limited amount of people can be DEA.

We were so exhausted from the comparisons, that we decided to climb/walk after meeting on Schlossberg, where we found astonishing view from the top - where just by chance is a pub/restaurant. So we had a beer or two...or more and in the late eveninig, in the dark streets of Graz center there was an echo of silent songs from Slovak Folk culture... Next morninig we met again, to finish the agenda - we had to reschedule meetings, set the tasks for next period (I accidentaly raised my hand in improper time when they asked who wants to make the summary of the particular analyses and become that person :)) well, it will be nice to prepare the overview.

After all office stuff was done, we moved to special natural Bauhaus where are used interesting effective, modern and also "bio" ways to prepare internal climate of the house that is natural for inhabitants - for example using straw and clay with sidewall heating pipes - and many other ways to avoid unnecessary chemically produced materials used for insulation. Since the owner was a DEA himself, he also gave us a speech about the state of energy assesment in the region. I think the programme was positively enriched by including this visit. I would like to thank our hosts Christoph and Johannes, you did very good job hanlding quite a big group and making our meeting on professional level! I definitelly want to come for a "Schlossberg beer" and the view back to Graz some day again.
Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Turiec, Slovakia

Seit Dezember 2013 beteteiligt sich das BCS an einem internationalen Projekt „DEA - Europe 2013 Leonardo partnership meeting“, das sich mit dem Thema Energieausweis befasst. An ihm sind Experten aus Großbritanien, Österreich, der Slovakai, Portugal und der Türkei beteiligt. In jedem dieser Länder findet ein mehrtägiges Meeting statt in dem sich Energiefachleute über die unterschiedliche Handhabung des Energieausweises austauschen. Es geht darum eine landesbezogene Bestandsaufnahme über die gegenwärtige Ausführung, Inhalte und die Qualifizierungsvoraussetzungen für das Erstellen eines Energieausweises vorzunehmen. Im Ergebnis der Analyse werden Möglichkeiten gesucht eine Vergleichbarkeit des Dokuments im internationalen Maßstab zu gewährleisten.

Im Rahmen des Projektes haben wir die Möglichkeit uns als Einrichtung vorzustellen und unsere Beiträge bezüglich des Umweltschutzes zu präsentieren. Bestandteil der Seminare ist ein reger, länderübergreifender Erfahrungsaustausch über das gesamte Spektrum verschiedener Themen rund um die Energieberatung, die Energiegewinnung, die Energieeinsparung und das Umweltbwußtsein.

Die Projektteilnehmer lernen an den Seminarorten regionale Besonderheiten kennen und besichtigen Objekte in denen effektvolle Maßnahmen für den Umweltschutz praktiziert werden. Auch dadurch erhalten die Energiefachleute neue Anregungen, wie der Umweltschutz weiter verbessert werden kann. Die nächsten Seminare werden in der Türkei, in Deutschland und in Portugal oder der Slovakai folgen.
Bildung-Centre Suedthueringen, Germany

Third Transnational Meeting

Izmir has been a project destination for Fergal and myself now for 3 separate projects with the DEA Project being our latest endeavour to work with colleagues from Turkey to establish a common frame of reference within the renewable energy sector, specifically here the domestic energy assessor framework. Whilst there is an overarching Europeal legislation that dictates a common standard, its application and translation in the various European countries and Turkey is very different.

In the UK, The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is responsible for making sure buildings in the UK meet the standards required by the EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The Directive requires that:
  • all properties (homes, commercial and public buildings) must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) when sold, built or rented
  • larger public buildings over 500m² must display a Display Energy Certificate (DEC)
  • all air-conditioning systems over 12kW must be regularly inspected by an Energy Assessor
The meeting in Turkey has allowed us to directly compare this approach to that of partner countries in the project, namely Austria, Portugal, Slovakia,  Germany and the UK. EPCs are produced by accredited energy assessors (Domestic Energy Assessors) using standard methods such  as SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure - the methodology used by the Government to assess and compare the energy and environmental performance of dwellings and assumptions about energy usage: https://www.gov.uk/standard-assessment-procedure). Using standard methods means that the energy efficiency of one building can easily be compared with another building of the same type. This allows prospective buyers, tenants, owners, occupiers and purchasers to see information on the energy efficiency and carbon emissions from their building so they can consider energy efficiency and fuel costs as part of their investment.

Meeting in Turkey helped the group to re-connect and to compare and see live what work is being done in Turkey. We've heard interesting presentations from our Turkish colleagues and their partners on how Domestic Energy Assessment had been implemented here. The Turkish approach to assessing software that was available in the market was to compare them. Their clear winner was a US software package that had clear advantages in being easy to use on both the front and back-end of the software enabling our Turkish partners to amend it for their specifications.

One the first day we went through the project's programme and assessing progress against all objectives. We have heard presentations from partners and then had a tour of the building where RA Enerji is located. The building belongs to the larger EGE University and houses the EGE Solar Centre where we were able to see the making of solar panels (soldering, laminating of individual cells onto a larger frame). In the evening we explored Izmir. On day two we agreed on the Final Report structure

Here are some UK websites, useful for assessing EPC's and understanding potential energy saving measures:
EPC Advisor: https://www.epcregister.com/epcadviser.html

Domestic Energy Performance Certificate Register:

Find a Domestic Energy Assessor
Funky Renewables, UK

The third project meeting took place in Izmir, Turkey, 21st – 22nd September 2014. The attendees from Austria were Johannes Kohlmaier, who is already an expert in the analysis of international DEAs, and Elisabeth Ritt, who got a valuable insight on the heterogeneity of the researched topic.

The morning of the first project meeting day focused on an update of the project work that has been
accomplished so far. An overview by each partner was given concerning the case studies for the conducting professionals: the Energy Assessors (background, requirements, formation, certification, validity etc.) and the objects of the assessments: the domestic buildings (method of assessment, structure of certificate, calculations, recommendations etc.).

After a highly enjoyable Turkish lunch with a typical black tea, the afternoon led the focus more deeply into the surveyed objects: we discussed the similarities and differences in the calculation software that is used for conducting the assessments. A Turkish DEA gave a deep insight into their used software, bepTR.

After a night of socializing, the second project day went on with discussions on the calculation software, their strengths and weaknesses and the impact on the assessments. Finally, the structure of the DEA report was talked over and finalized. Also the agenda and place / time for the next meeting have been proposed: Germany in May 2015 it will be.

As Izmir is in September still a worthy spot to visit as tourist, many project members took the chance and extended their stay to enjoy the 30° and the palms. Summarizing, it was a meeting that met professional and private desires.
CPC, Austria

Fourth Transnational Meeting

In Germany I was several times. For this visit I was looking forward, since the program was really interesting from vocational and also cultural sides. The visit fulfulled my expectations since I could see the training center for building reconstructions and system of passive house. I met with new technologies and normatives and sequences, calculations necessary to set the energy efficiency. Organisation of activities and their carrying out was on very high level. I appreciate the exchange of experience between the partners from the other countries. I would like to thank the organisers and we look forward to our final meeting in Slovakia.
Gabriel, Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Turiec, Slovakia

I was looking forward to go to Germany, I had the opportunity to see before a training center for constructions and household energy technologies, so I wanted to see more in Zella-Mehlis. We traveled by car for almost 9 hours and it was nice to finally see our project colleagues at the accommodation. The dinner was quite light, since it was Sunday so we went to closeby pub/restaurant to have a short discussion. The BSC Gaestehaus is very nice accommodation for students, but very clean nice and we were welcomed by very friendly landlord. In the morning after nice breakfast we met the partners and by minibus we went to BTZ Rohr-Kloser where we first had a session about German history of DEA and also brief discussion regarding certificates and trainings. I learned there are 2 main normatives that cover the energy efficiency of buildings - the DIN 4701 a "small norm" and DIN 18599 "full norm" that both cover EPCs for also innovative tehcnologies in buildings. After discussion we went downstairs, where we could see many renewable energies in practice. First the solar heating, and next to it solar cooling with Brome, for me new concept. Also we checked out the building simulations of many situations in practice where we could touch the materials and see compositions of walls etc. Especially we liked the air exchange unit looking like radiator but very efficient in recuperation and fresh air changing. I would like to add this institute is inspiration for us to do this in Martin, Slovakia in next few years together with local VET technical school. After the lunch of Szegedin goulash, knoedel or Tortellini (international meals :)) we went to Suhl museum of Motorbikes Simson, where the director of museum told us many interesting historical facts about the Simson factory, as a head constructer engineer he spent there 30 years and was quite sad about factory closing donw in 1990, the same year their bikes won the World Enduro Championchip. He also gave us very nice tour around, with very special and expensive(!) exhibits like Simson Supra A that was absolutely amazing and huge! And I was surprised that one of the other cars had value 500.000€ Also they had room of prototypes and we could see from 80s a production model of electrobike that you could charge from household socket! But since it was 2000DM more expensive than regular model people didnt want it too much. The museum was very interesting and I would like to thank our hosts for organizing the visit. After that we went to accommodation and had a dinner with partners in the evenning. The next day after breakfast we met with partners in meeting room, where Fergal welcomed us with review of agenda and we started with presentations of Country reports from all partners. We were interupted by call to lunch, that was at BSC center up the hill, just few minute walk. After lunch we finished the presentations, discussed details about Slovak meeting in Bratislava and Martin and worked on division of the main report and who will compile what section. We finished by distributing all tasks among partners equally so that all will contribute to the final Partnership DEA report in time. We said goodby to leaving partners and I am looking forward to the Slovak meeting, we are hosting in July!
Martin, Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Turiec, Slovakia

This was my first time to take part in this meeting and I had possitive exceptation about it. We left Martin at 10 o'clock and we arrieved to the point of meeting - Zella-Mehlis at 8:00 p.m. It was long, but very creative "working" journey, because we were talking about many topics and about project, our goals and visions... When we came to Gästehause of BSC we met some of project partners outside. We were tired after travelling so we went to sleep. Next day-11.5.2015 we spent in great, effecient and useful way. We wisited "profesional training and technology centre Rohr-Kloster" where we could see new materials, techniques, processes and we get a lot of new information How to build buildings ( residential, non-commercial, commercial) to improve their energy effecienty and we have discussion about EPC led by local German experts. With my colleagues - Martin and Gabriel we discussed how to use and implement all this new knowledge in practice. It is good motivation to think about all received information. After lunch I loved to museum of vehicles. We get very interesting lecture about history of Samson motorbikes and vehicles (history of the company). The same day in the eveninig we met together after end in restaurant and we discussed about national differencies, our activities, changes, ideas... Next day- 12.5.2015 we have reporting meeting and great lunch in BSC canteen. Generaly I can say I spent very useful and nice time here with great people and I left With lot of new informations and i hope we can bring all new knowledges to our region.
Dusana, Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Turiec, Slovakia

The fourth project meeting took place in Zella-Mehlis, Germany, 11th – 12th May 2015. The attendees from Austria were Christoph Holzner and Johannes Kohlmaier. On the morning of the first day of the meeting the project group visited the BSC and the Kloster Rohr, were we got some valuable insights in the energy efficiency and construction of the buildings. In the afternoon we visited the automotive museum in Suhl. Also there the topic energy efficiency was an issue, when we compared the fuel consumption of some oldtimers (cars and motorcycles), which is up to 20l/100km, or race cars from the 30s and 50s with nowadays fuel-efficient vehicles. The day ended up with some interesting discussions on several project related topics (sustainability, CSA, IBU etc.) and intensifying the network among the project partners.

The second day was dedicated to the (organisational) project work. Presentations of the country reports were the first point. The comparison of the different country specific situations (legal framework, training, practical work) of the work of DEA and their work on EPCs gave a good overall picture. A lot of similarities, but also some contradictions were discovered. That was followed by an overview about the upcoming tasks till the next project meeting and for the final report. The main tasks will be the compilation of the final project report out of the country reports. All the questions regarding mobilities, certificates, organisation and administration of the final meeting were clarified. After a visit to the BCS (including lunch), the meeting was closed in the afternoon and partners started their travel back home.
CPC, Austria

Fifth Transnational Meeting

Slovakia land too hot, at least these days out of 5 to 9 July 2015. The group demonstrated all the work he had done since the last meeting. On the 6th morning I presented my findings and my research in the CIEA in Bratislava. It's been a very pleasant experience with the Slovaks to be friendly as well. In Martin City, the final report was developed. Taking the fact that it got a little sick on the 2nd day was a fantastic working visit. I thank´s to all the partners this opportunity to participate in DEA Europe study.

See you one day
Ricardo, ETP Sicó, Portugal

Slovakia, the last meeting of DEA project. Unfortunately is the last time we are going be together to talk and to discuss so important subjects. In Portugal we say “everything that is good finish quickly” and we can say the same now. After some meetings in different countries I think and I´m sure I can say that we are friends and we´ll miss this moments. Many thanks to Fergal to invite us to participate in the project and many many thanks to Martin and Ivana for their generosity and sympathy. We are received like prices and they did everything for us to feel comfortable.

Me and all Portuguese team hope we meet again, who knows in another project.
Guilherme, ETP Sicó, Portugal

The final meeting of the DEA project took place in Slovakia. The meeting started at the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) in Bratislava. After a very interesting input from the Agency the DEA consortium gave insight in the current status of the project and its aims. In the afternoon, we had the opportunity of a city tour in Bratislava and a Medovina (a special honey wine) tasting later. After this interesting, our last destination was the city of Martin, located in North East of Slovakia, were the second part of the meeting took place. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the main points were the finalization and fine tuning of the DEA Final Report and organizational aspects concerning project closing. Additionally, we also had the chance to visit the Solar PV installing company Martel on Wednesday morning, were Mr. Filip Beláň gave us valuable insights in the PV industry and their daily business.

CPC Austria wants to thank Martin from Regional Development Agency Turiec for the successful project meeting and final conference. We are looking forward to upcoming possibilities to work together with this project consortium!
Martin, CPC, Austria

On 05/07. 2015, we were on our way to the 5th meeting in Bratislava / Slovak Republic After 8 hours of driving and about 730 km at tropical temperatures of almost 40 degrees Celsius, we checked into the hotel "IBIS" that had been reserved for us. Late at night we explored the historical city of Bratislava, and enjoyed regional dishes from the Slovak cuisine. In the morning we met the partners of the participating countries at the hotel. We went to the place of the meeting with our vehicles and the announcement of the program for the next days has been followed by the presentations of the countries in accordance with the responsibilities regarding the summary of the country reports.

The featured contents were discussed in the group and commented as well. After staying in the Restaurant "Flagship" dine left us was waiting the next highlight on us. Martin Kubisch had organized a sightseeing tour with a "historical" train through the old town of Bratislava. We learned a lot about the historical development of the city and were able to admire selected monuments. On the way to Martin, our 2nd venue was to make a brief stop in Smolenice. Here we learned interesting facts about the production of honey wine that we were also offered for tasting. Once in Martin we had the opportunity to exchange with partners from the participating countries on the course of the project and many other problems. We used the next day for the continuation of the project work. Among other things, the Chapter Summary of the stand, the countries were responsible for the program. A vote on final activities was also undertaken.

A visit to the aqua park in Teplice is the next highlight of the program. This was about getting to know the technical system of the leisure facility for water treatment and for operating the plant. In the evening we were able to operate in a relaxed atmosphere international conversation again. The last day of the 5th Meeting DEA in Slovak Republic was used to show the project participants a solar system of a building and to explain the technical features. At the end of the official adoption all participants took the journey home. The communication continues as agreed.
Martin, Bildung-Centre Suedthueringen, Germany